So, time for an update on our Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ve been busy!
We have now completed watching 2 seasons of Daredevil and one each of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, and tonight we watched the final chapters of The Defenders, where they all get together. It had some pluses: I was satisfied with the way MCU brought them all together, and enjoyed seeing the secondary characters getting together. I didn’t think the story line quite as lame as some others. I did, in fact, enjoy the series. Oops- guess I’d better back track to where I life off...
So, Season 1of Jessica Jones. Liked it a lot! I thought for a while that the actress wasn’t very good, but the longer I watched, the more obvious it became that the brittle portrayal was great. The storyline- written several years ago-was so on-point for today, it was amazing. And, of course, there was David Tennant. He was incredible. He didn’t snarl, he didn’t wave his fists, he didn’t do anything you would expect from a comic book based villain. He spoke softly most of the time. He was terrifying!!!! So, Jessica we will watch more of.
One of the characters we meet in Jessica Jones season 1 is Luke Cage. He gets his own series after JJ and it was interesting. I think some of the folks, both writers and actors, thought this was a remake of The Wire, and it did NOT come close to that classic. But, it was good. Alfred Woodard was stunning in a role unlike I’ve ever seen her in, but the revelation was Mahershala Ali. He was absolutely evil, and you felt sorry for him, sometimes even when you shouldn’t.
From LC we moved on to Iron Fist. Some of the actors here were good; sadly, the Iron Fist was not. He was played as a petulant brat who really only had 2 lines: “it’s my fault”, and “I am the Immortal Iron Fist”. We watched all the episodes because it was the final lead-in to the Defenders series, but we were not enthralled.
So, we are back to where I started- we liked the Defenders series. Spoiler alert!!!
Our characters are left thinking they have defeated the Hand, the evil world wide criminal organization. Well, a couple of the Hand leaders are definitely dead- like Highlander, you can only permanently kill a Hand immortal by chopping off their head- but, here’s the BIG SPOILER, if Daredevil survived the implosion of the skyscraper, then why not Madame Gao and Elektra? So, I’m guessing that the Hand will be back to fight another day.
Kudos to Sigourney Weaver as Alexandra. She was fabulous! She also looked amazing- her wardrobe was mostly gorgeous. She also looks terrific for her age, and was not afraid of the many, MANY close ups they did on her face.
So, we are mostly done with the television MCU for a while. We will watch The Punisher, because we were blown away by the actor Jon Bernthal during Daredevil Season 2. This is a character (is he hero or villain???) that really holds your attention, and he totally merited gaining his own series. I think we are otherwise a little MCU wearied out, and will be waiting for some new series but not yet.
So, that’s my current take on the MCU. Does anyone I know also watch?
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